Horse stalls no longer divide the stable area just below the main hall of The Livery, but at the end of the circular horse ramp the names of the horses could still be seen attached to the whitewashed beams above where their stalls had been. These were the horses that pulled the horse drawn fire truck and drove the carriages that met the train to collect arriving passengers at Sunapee Depot Station.
Because these beams will be reinforced with new timbers, we had no alternative but to remove the name signs to protect them. We will preserve them as best we can and mount them for display at The Livery for all to see.
Mary, Roxie, Harry, Kate, Betty and Gyp – they called The Livery home, maneuvered up and down the steep ramp each day doing the work needed in the bustling Sunapee community of 1900.

The Livery History
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May 2 Boston Journal: Manahan & Baker Auction Sale of Hotel Property in Sunapee NH on May 7, 1891: Hotel Guelma with a “Large new stable accommodating 30 horses built last season in connection with the house.”
Aug 14: Lake Sunapee Echo: “The Guelma Livery and Feed Stable, SA French Proprietor. This stable is conveniently located at Sunapee Harbor and supplied with an excellent outfit including 2 and 4-horse teams. Teams for Excursion. Sylvander Ausbon French 1841-1904, born in Hopkinton and died in Newport. He was married and had 5 children. In 1870 he was a scythe maker in New London. In 1880 he was a livery stable operator in Newport.
Jun 10: Unity: Bela Cutting and C. Reed Lewis have sold their span of fancy buckskin horses to S.A. French of Sunapee. It is a beautiful span and will make an important addition to Mr. French’s livery stable.
Jun 17 Argus: Unity: C.R. Lewis and B Cutting sold their span of cream-colored horses to S.A. French of Sunapee Harbor.
Jul 22 Argus: Unity: Lewis and Cutting sold a pair of beautiful black horses to S.A. French of Sunapee.
Dec 8 Argus: Sunapee: Mr. French recently lost one of his most valuable horses.
Feb Argus: French got the contract to carry mail for 3 years.
May 17 Rep Champ: Sunapee: S.A. French has procured a tallyho coach and is having it refitted and painted and will soon be in readiness for our city cousins who desire the service of same and had to procure one from out of town.
Jul 5 Rep Champ: Parade: French’s tally ho coach, beautify trimmed by Miss Emma Young. Occupying seats on coach were 14 young ladies in red, white, and blue representing the Goddess of Liberty surrounded by the original 13 states.
Jun 20: Moses F. Knowlton will run the livery stable at the Harbor, means good turnouts.
Jun 20 Rep Champ: S.A. French will run the tally-ho again this season.
Aug 29 Rep Champ: Annual Gala Day, in New London entry: Tally-ho coach from Ben Mere Inn, Sunapee, S.A. French driver, 20 passengers, 4 horses.
1896 – 1900
1896 May 8 Argus: A horse owned by S.A. French of Sunapee was driven to Newport, took ill and died immediately at Carr’s Stable.
1897 Jun 4: S.A. French has taken possession of the livery stable recently occupied by Moses F. Knowlton
1888-9 No entries found
1900 Dec 7 Argus: Sunapee: Scott Sargent has finished his labors for Fitz Courser in the stable.
1901 Aug 3 Argus: Livery business is the best that it has been since the business started around the lake. Fitz Corser has 32 horses and he keeps them on the road all the time.
1902 No entries found.
1903 Sep 11 Argus: Fitz Corser had an auction sale of horses and carriages Tuesday and intends to go to Hillsboro.
1905 Ora Boyce sold the Harbor Hotel to James Donahue.
1905 May 25 Argus: Frank Young has hired the stable which was run by Fitz Courser last summer for the season. W.A. Young will run it.
1908 Jun: Harbor Hotel stable was for rent by owner James Donahue.
May 13 Republican Champion: Herbert Sawyer is going to have a carriage house built opposite his present stable on Main Street.
May 21 Argus: Rumors of a new livery stable being established in town.
Feb: Sale of the livery by James Donahue to Herbert Sawyer was announced.
Mar Rep Champion: Herbert Sawyer arrived home with 3 new horses.
Apr Mary & James Donahue sell the livery to Herbert “Bert” Sawyer 173-596. In Feb sale to Sawyer was announced that said he planned to put in more horses.
Sep 22: Rep Champ Hebert B. Sawyer is making quite extensive improvements on his livery stable near the Harbor House.
Oct 28 Argus; H.B. Sawyer has his new barn nearly completed. This is when the pitched gable roof replaced the original low-slope roof.
Photo in front of Herbert Sawyer’s Store: Herbert is at right, holding the cat. The Horses are Sam, Dan and Rob, photo about 1910.
Sep 29: Elwin Page worked in livery for Sawyer. Herb had a grocery wagon for deliveries.
Mar town report: Appropriated $2500 to buy Sawyer stable.
Nov Burt Sawyer to Town of Sunapee.